

  • 学位类型 Degree
  • 项目的结果进入职场
  • 研究范围Health
  • 总学时70

Help people heal, regain their strength and mobility, and improve their quality of life with a 物理治疗师助理 (PTA) Associate of Applied Science degree 从Montco. Taught at 蓝铃校园's state-of-the-art 健康科学 Center, 你将获得70个学分.

At the end of the program you will be prepared to take the 物理治疗师助理 National Physical Therapy Examination for state certification/licensure. You will also be able to demonstrate values-based behavior while effectively and efficiently assisting physical 治疗师 who serve the diverse population of Montgomery County 以及周边社区. PTAs work under the direction and supervision of physical 治疗师. They are employed in such settings as hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, rehabilitation centers, school systems, sports medicine facilities and private 实践.

  • Demonstrate proficient entry-level knowledge and skills in safely, effectively and efficiently implementing a physical therapist established comprehensive plan of care;
  • Adhere to the legal, ethical and professional regulations and standards that determine the scope of practice of physical therapy and perform physical therapy duties within PTA的实践范围;
  • Communicate effectively with sensitivity and awareness of individual differences with patients, families, colleagues, and other healthcare providers;
  • Exhibit observable behaviors that indicate a commitment to PTA values-based behaviors.
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The 物理治疗师助理 Program at 蒙哥马利县社区学院 is accredited by the Commission on 认证 in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE):

Commission on 认证 in Physical Therapy Education
email: accreditation@apta.org

If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 215-619-7361 or email iporter@cargraphicsuk.com.


All applicants seeking admission to the technical / clinical phase of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program are required to submit a completed Petition for Physical Therapist Assistant Admission to Enrollment Services, and present specific credentials 配对计划入学指引.


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Courses in the 物理治疗师助理 Program Pre-Technical阶段 and Technical 阶段按顺序列出. 所有技术预科课程必须完成 在入读技术阶段课程之前. 技术预科课程BIO 131, BIO 132, PHY 115, ESW 222 and ESW 224 must be completed within five years before 报名参加技术阶段的课程. PTA技术阶段为16个月, continuous phase consisting of four sequential semesters. 学生被录取为 the 技术阶段 物理治疗师助理 Program for the spring each year.

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Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 人体解剖学 & 生理一(前六周) 4
ENG 101 英语作文I(前6周) 3
BIO 132 人体解剖学 & 生理II(后6周) 4
MAT 106 数学应用(后六周) 3

Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 Introduction to Acting I: Improvisation and Fundamentals 3
PHY 115 技术物理 4
PSY 206 人类发展——一个生命周期的方法 3
ESW 222 应用运动机能学(仅秋季提供) 3
ESW 224 运动生理学(只适用于秋季) 4


技术阶段 (入学申请书 and program acceptance required)
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 Fundamentals of Physical Therapist Assisting and Data Collection (前七周) 4
PTA 110 物理治疗方法(第1 - 7周) 4
PTA 125 Therapeutic Interventions for Physical Therapist Assisting 4
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 病理 & Rehabilitation of Orthopedic 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar I 2
PTA 220 病理 & 特殊人士复康服务 & 整个生命周期的条件 和持续护理 5

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 临床教育一(第1期7周) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar II (1st 七周会话) 1
PTA 210 病理 & Rehabilitation of Neurological 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum 护理(第二个为期7周的疗程) 6

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 临床教育II(前7周) 2
PTA 203 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar III (前七周) 1
PTA 223 临床教育III(第二期,为期7周) 2
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar IV (第二个为期七周的会议) 1

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Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 人体解剖学 & 生理一(前六周) 4
ENG 101 英语作文I(前6周) 3
BIO 132 人体解剖学 & 生理II(后6周) 4
MAT 106 数学应用(后六周) 3


Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 Introduction to Acting I: Improvisation and Fundamentals 3
PHY 115 技术物理 4
PSY 206 人类发展——一个生命周期的方法 3
ESW 222 应用运动机能学(仅秋季提供) 3
ESW 224 运动生理学(只适用于秋季) 4


技术阶段 (入学申请书 and program acceptance required)

Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 Fundamentals of Physical Therapist Assisting and Data Collection (前七周) 4
PTA 110 物理治疗方法(第1 - 7周) 4
PTA 125 Therapeutic Interventions for Physical Therapist Assisting 4


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 病理 & Rehabilitation of Orthopedic 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar I 2
PTA 220 病理 & 特殊人士复康服务 & 整个生命周期的条件 和持续护理 5
Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 临床教育一(第1期7周) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar II (1st 七周会话) 1
PTA 210 病理 & Rehabilitation of Neurological 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum 护理(第二个为期7周的疗程) 6


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 临床教育II(前7周) 2
PTA 203 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar III (前七周) 1
PTA 223 临床教育III(第二期,为期7周) 2
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar IV (第二个为期七周的会议) 1



Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 人体解剖学 & 生理学我  4
MAT 106 数学的应用  3


Course ID Title Credits
BIO 132 人体解剖学 & 生理学二世  4
PHY 115 技术物理 4


Course ID Title Credits
THA 105 Introduction to Acting I: Improvisation and Fundamentals 3
ENG 101 英语作文I 3
PSY 206 人类发展——一个生命周期的方法 3


Course ID Title Credits
ESW 222 应用运动机能学(仅秋季提供) 3
ESW 224 运动生理学(只在秋季提供 4

技术阶段 – 入学申请书 and Program Acceptance Required


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 100 Fundamentals of Physical Therapist Assisting and Data Collection 4
PTA 110 物理治疗中的治疗方式 4
PTA 125 Therapeutic Interventions for Physical Therapist Assisting 4


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 200 病理 & Rehabilitation of Orthopedic 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum of Care 5
PTA 201 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar I 2
PTA 220 病理 & 特殊人士复康服务 & 整个生命周期的条件 和持续护理 5


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 221 Clinical Education I (1st 6 weeks of the 1st 七周会话) 2
PTA 202 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar II (第一个7周课程的第7周) 1
PTA 210 病理 & Rehabilitation of Neurological 整个生命周期的条件 and Continuum 护理(第二个为期7周的疗程) 6


Course ID Title Credits
PTA 222 Clinical Education II (1st 6 weeks of the 1st 七周会话) 2
PTA 203 Clinical Education III (1st 6 weeks of the 2nd 七周会话) 1
PTA 204 物理治疗师助理 Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Seminar IV (第二个7周课程的第7周) 2
PTA 220 病理 & 特殊人士复康服务 & 整个生命周期的条件 及持续护理(第二个为期7周的疗程) 1