Report sexual misconduct or discrimination to our Title IX Coordinator.

We take any allegation of sexual misconduct seriously. 如果你曾经是受害者 of date or domestic violence, 跟踪, sexual discrimination, harassment, assault 或者不当行为,让我们知道. Please contact the 第九条临时协调员, Mikiba W. 摩尔黑德,获得者来到卡罗莱纳州艾德.D., TNG顾问 or,或者任何你信任的人. 学院反对不当性行为的立场 also includes any sexual misconduct you may have experienced as a result of your sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.

The laws governing campus sexual misconduct or discrimination based on sex are Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, the Reauthorized Violence Against Women Act and the Campus SAVE (Sexual Assault Violence Elimination) Act.


  • Organizes all responses to sexual misconduct and discrimination complaints
  • Identifies and addresses any patterns of sexual misconduct
  • Assesses effects of sexual misconduct on campus climate and provides remedies
  • 监测结果并防止复发
  • Ensures that Montco complies with all aspects of Title IX

我们的临时Title IX协调员Mikiba W. 摩尔黑德,获得者来到卡罗莱纳州艾德.D., TNG顾问可以 可通过mmorehead-e@mc3联系他。.edu或

In an emergency or off-hours situation, always call 911 or 公共安全 215-641-6666 (蓝贝尔) or 610-718-1913 (Pottstown).


Please join the College along with Victim 服务 Center of Montgomery County 为 a series of workshops that focuses on topics related to sexual health and assault.

Note: In为mation on upcoming sessions will be posted in Spring 2023. 


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  1. Get to a safe place, talk to someone you trust, and get medical attention.
  2. Ask 为 help from 公共安全 (215-641-6666) or the 第九条临时协调员 (mmorehead-e@mc3.Edu或
    Either 公共安全 or the Title IX Coordinator will help you understand your options 为 举报袭击 to the College, the Police, or both; 为 counseling; and medical attention.
  3. Don't blame yourself, be kind to yourself, and take advantage of counseling resources, 无论是校内还是校外.

I need help, but want my situation to remain confidential.

  1. 学院 will assist you in finding medical providers, and licensed professional counselors, or you can call Victim 服务 directly at 1-888-521-0983.
  2. While the College is limited in assisting you without full and accurate in为mation about the assault, the College will still assist you with all the necessary protections, including escorts and schedule adjustments, with which to keep you safe.
  3. 学院 has a continuing obligation to your safety, and an obligation to protect the rest of the campus community from similar incidents of assault. 这意味着 at all times, the College has to carefully weigh your request 为 confidentiality against your safety, and the community's interest in its safety.
  4. Because of this ongoing duty to you and others on campus, the College is also sometimes obligated to issue a timely warning to the campus community, while doing everything possible to protect your identity and your privacy.


  1. Contact the 第九条临时协调员, or the Director of 公共安全, who will guide you in the process of filing a 为mal complaint with either, or both.
  2. When a complaint is lodged with the College, the College will conduct a fair and impartial investigation into the incident with trained investigators.
  3. If the investigation leads to a hearing, you will be advised of your rights be为e, during and after the hearing, and will be in为med about its outcome. 学院 is obligated, and committed, to conducting the investigation into your complaint and to resolving the complaint promptly (within 60 days) and equitably (with due process rights 为 both yourself, and 为 the person who stands accused of hurting you).
  4. Whether or not you file a criminal complaint with the police, the College will still handle your complaint on its own and using its own process. 它将调查 complaint, review the evidence of your complaint and provide you with all the support you may need during, and after this process is completed.

How can I help a friend who has experienced sexual misconduct?

If you know someone who is currently experiencing or has recently experienced any type of sexual misconduct, there is also a lot you can do.

  1. Counsel your friend if you see that an awkward situation is developing—encourage them 寻求专业帮助.
  2. Distract potential misconduct that you are witnessing by distracting the would-be 攻击者.
  3. Look out 为 your friends at a party and help them home if they have had too much 喝.
  4. 给 friends you know who are experiencing dating or domestic violence your attention, 以及重要的社区电话号码.
  5. Talk to the College's 第九条临时协调员 if you or a friend is experiencing sexual misconduct, including dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and 跟踪.